Have we come to far in technology when a person can sit on a toilet, take care of the business nature intended and tweet to 10,000 followers?
Doesn't that image just make you think of King Henry VIII or Louis XIV yelling at their plebeians to listen while they do their duty?
I'm connected to my social networks all the time, but I refuse to send text messages, type e-mail, post a comment and especially tweet during bathroom time. That might just be me though.
I've always found that a little strange, especially when people talk on their phones in there. Kind of gives me the willies just thinking about it, haha. Bathrooms are meant for magazines, not tweets.
Does that mean people will one day have like a Kindle sitting next to the toilet instead of a magazine rack? Hmm....
Jackie, you may be right...Kindle could be the next wave of unsanitary technology.
Not only is it a little strange when you're on the other side of the tweet, text or phone call, but think about where that phone has been now. Makes you think twice about borrowing a friend's phone.
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